White Socks and Sandals

I ride my bike and take pictures. Have a look.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

T-day in AR part 2

The theme of today's post is "not just steep... CRAZY steep"

Yeah I know... pictures don't convey the steepness. Just take my word for it - CRAZY steep. 39x26 standing and pulling hard and barely turning it over steep. Ouchy.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Thanksgiving in Arkansas day 1

Just unloaded the kiddo's and stuff.... pretty autumnal pastorality all around.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Instead of flashing lights and crosswalks at this place where kids cross a busy road to get to school, the city installed these signs.

genius. never mind that the nearest stoplights are about half a mile away.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Tour de Gruene pics

Stephen gets into the groove that is Gruene Hall.

Jerry checks on his canoe rental business

Jerry explains to Stephen about the Foo birds.

Scott, undressing in public again.

It's a happy little river road

more pic's at:

oh yeah, we also did some bike racing