Tour de Gruene weekend
Got my name in the results next to Lance:
(39th place... not bad).
Good weekend.
Let's see, highlights - got to see Hans and Helen Schneider, had a shoe cleat fall off while warming up about 10 min before my start, and luckily got Jerry to lend me one of his.
Had a good ride in the TT for 3rd in my group and a medal.
Got to see Lance, and got a couple snaps.
While Jerry and I were racing Sunday morning, LA and his partner come blowing past us like we were standing still, then a few miles up the road they're both taking a pee break. So naturally I pointed and laughed.
Also had a good ride w/ Jerry Sunday morning in the 2-up TT, we got 3rd in our group. And, more important, took more than 4 minutes off our time from last year.
At the awards ceremony, some moron had read the result sheet wrong and thought his team got 3rd place instead of us, then he got all torqued off when he found out he was wrong, so I thought Jerry was gonna have to break a beer bottle over his head. And that would've been a shame because it was still half full.
Thanks to Jerry for driving in his very coool new truck, and for pulling me the last 6 miles into Gruene.
River Road, one of the prettiest pedals in Texas.

The Saturday ITT start/finish area - lots of spectators for this podunk little end of season TT

And here's why - LA launching outta there like a scalded cat.
The ITT start ramp.
LA brings it home at warp factor 11
Jerry on River Road
Hans and Helen finishing up the TTT

Jerry and Me

Me in the ITT, getting caught.
Just having fun rolling around

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