White Socks and Sandals

I ride my bike and take pictures. Have a look.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


So here's a bunch of pics and videos from Wisconsin.

First up, a bike tour of the Green Circle Trail which is a nice trail around the whole Stevens Point area, some in the woods, some urban, all of it well-built and very cool. The parts in the woods are very fun, lots of critters.

Next, some more video from this very cool and swoopy section.

Then I took a break to check out the peaceful pastoral Plover river. It's a popular local float stream, runs right thru Stevens Point and has several nice parks along the way.

Here's a few pics of the trail in case you don't want to watch video.

Finally, was driving back to Chicago to fly home, on a windy stormy day, and had to stop because of blowing dust over the road:

So that was our preview. Next, we loaded up the truck and head for Beverly. Hills, that is. Black Gold. Texas Tea. No, wait, that's a different trip. This time we went to Wisconsin. Green trees. More trees. Cheese.

World's largest McDonalds. At least it used to be, until the got-dam commies built one in China.

Over I-44 between Tulsa and Joplin.

So we got to WI and headed to the park. Turns out, Memorial Day is duck mating season in Stevens Point. The kids were highly entertained.

This video shows what may be an illegal act. You were warned.

MG makes like a duck.

The mandatory kids in a tree shot.

Then we went to where the deer hang out. Did I mention this place is just crawling with deer? Everywhere. It's like nobody ever hunts 'em. Commies and hippies.


So we got all moved in. And it turns out, there are bikers here too. Nice little group, rides every day of the week. Tuesdays you got yer no-drop skills ride, or the hammerfest. There were only 6 of us on the hammerfest but we kept up a pretty good pace and a nice smooth rotation, except on the hills where the skinny guy in red hammered us.

Jerry will be happy since the old fat guy could keep up, except on the hills. Besides, the roads were pretty, the trees blocked the wind (which wasn't very strong anyway) and the hills were small and far apart.

Well that's all for now. See ya.